
もやし残渣引き取り業者の廃業により未脱水のもやし残渣の引取先がなくなってしまい、急遽脱水する必要がでてきました。また排水処理設備がない事から、脱水後のもやし廃液の処理方法が課題となっていましたが、もやし廃液をリキッドフィード(豚の飲み餌)にできることが廃液成分の調査の結果わかり、廃液をタンクに充填し、もやし残渣と共に引き取っていただくことになりました。The industrial waste company that had a contract with suddenly went out of business, so they were worried about how to dispose of the bean sprouts.And they don’t have Wastewater treatment facility, so that they also had a problem about how to dispose of water waste.But they found out that the bean sprouts can change to liquid feed from waste of the bean sprouts by inspection, they had set up plastic container for liquid feed and filling it now.